Belt System

Advancement through the ranks, as marked by belt color, is a process signifying progressively greater control and coordination of mind and body. The length of time involved is largely dependent upon the dedication of the individual student. Any person, regardless of age, gender, or innate talent, can become proficient if he or she diligently applies the techniques taught.
The progressive ranks of karate are reflected in the different colored belts. There are two major classifications: the ranks of black belt are called dans, while all those below the rank of black belt are kyus.
In Gosoku-ryu, there are ten kyu ratings, as follows:
White    11th Kyu
Yellow    10th Kyu
Yellow Stripe        9th Kyu
Orange    8th Kyu
Blue    7th Kyu
Purple    6th Kyu
Green    5th Kyu
Green Stripe        4th Kyu
Brown 3rd Kyu                3rd Kyu
Brown 2nd kyu            2nd Kyu
Brown 1st kyu        1st Kyu
After achieving shodan, or first degree black belt ranking, a karateka may progress further though the dan ranks up to ju-dan, or tenth degree black belt.
Black Belt        1st Dan
Black Belt            2nd Dan
Black Belt                3rd Dan
Black Belt                    4th Dan
Black Belt                        5th Dan
Black Belt                            6th Dan
Black Belt                                7th Dan
Black Belt                                    8th Dan
Black Belt                                        9th Dan
Black Belt                                            10th Dan
10th Dan    Ju Dan
The ju-dan sometimes wears a red belt to distinguish him or herself. Instructors that are 4th dan are sometimes awarded the title of "Shihan-Dai" (deputy master). Instructors that are 5th dan or higher are sometimes awarded the title of "Shihan" (master instructor). Title is not always awarded by rank alone. One must be an active instructor and be awarded the rank by Kubota.
All Black Belt ranks are registered directly with the International Association Headquarters in Glendale, California.